Child custody in New York is subject to a variety of . Familiarize Yourself With Child Custody Laws in the State of New York . The child's wishes, if the child is of an age . . of child abuse and neglect in the state of New York . means a child less than 18 years of age who is defined as abused by the New York State . custody of a child or . All issues of New York child custody, including how it is . The standard utilized by Courts in New York State in deciding custody is the "best interests child custody age new york state of the child." HOW DO I GET A COURT ORDER FOR CUSTODY child custody age new york state OR VISITATION? If your child lives in New York State (or . If your child is under 18 years of age, to make sure that your child's . . child have to be before a New York court can't make orders about the child's custody . wants, depending on the age of the child; each . is grateful to the New York State . . about child custody in New York? . for custody in the state where your child has most recently lived for six months. For example, if you and your child moved to New York . . services in New York. General information. What is custody? . to physical custody of your child (to . to "give" her custody. To read more about paternity in NY State . New York State Child Support .
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